How To Post a PDF on Facebook ,You can’t easily post PDF to Facebook but there are some ways you can post it to Facebook.There are two ways to post a PDF on Facebook,One way is to convert your PDF to image and then upload it to Facebook as an image.And another way is you can post your PDF link on Facebook with its related text and upload the link so people can view it.
To post the PDF first we need to backup the PDF to our Google Drive,First of all, you will go to Google Drive, there you will get the plus option, you have to click on it and you will get many options, there you will get the upload option, you have to click on it.
After clicking on the upload option, you will see the documents, you simply have to upload them.After uploading, the documents you have uploaded will be visible in the list,When you see the list, you will see three dots on the top, you have to click on it and then you will go down, you will see an option of copy link, from there you can copy the link.After that your PDF link will be copied, after that you have to go to Simple Facebook, there you have to click on the post and then paste the link there.
, but you have to do this simple paste, then a preview will appear below your post. If you want to write something in front of it, you can write.After that it will be posted, then we will see how it looks, so when someone clicks on it when you have posted it, it will go directly to the PDF file. It was a simple and easy way.

How To Post a PDF on Facebook, We can do all this with the help of Google Drive
How To Post a PDF on Facebook ,With the help of Google Drive, we upload the PDF file and then copy its link and then post it on Facebook, all this is the magic of Google Drive.
How To Post a PDF on Facebook,google drive benefits
You can access the uploaded PDF file from any device with the help of cloud storage accessible internet connection.
How To Post a PDF on Facebook,Backup and Sync
How To Post a PDF on Facebook ,You can automatically back up files from your devices and this is important so that you don’t lose your data
We need to post the PDF file on Facebook
How To Post a PDF on Facebook ,We are posting the Pdf file on Facebook because we want to publish what is inside our file and we need to share it so people can click on it and Then can see
Google Drive is required to download PDF, PDF contains all our data, whatever files are called PDF files, which we upload through Google Drive and its link on Facebook,And people watch from there
And when they post on Facebook, those posts which are related to PDF, then they can see it easily.